Aquaculture Breeding
> Products for Outdoor Culture Ponds
Nutritional Additives
 1kg |
- U.S.A. Origin
- Help grow well and enhance immune system; a natural product without side effect to fish/shrimp/eel/clam; no resistance, no residuals.
- Absorb toxin efficiently and reduce Mycotoxin which always existed in the raw materials of feeds.
- Control White Spot Disease and Yellow Head Disease; stop infectious diseases that are caused by Vibrio bacteria.
- Enhance immune system and increase the survival rate of fish/shrimp/eel/clam.
- Made of nonpathogens bacteria and enzymes, so diseases are effectively minimized.
- Improve the water quality by absorbing NH3, H2S and NO2, those are harmful to fishes and shrimps.
- consists of several essential amino acids,such as lysine and methionine.
- contains rich vitamins and minerals.
- helps to digest and improves growth.
- manages water quality in aquaculture and be a amino acid fertilizer in agriculture as well.